5 Crazy Things You Can Do In A Road Trip

road trip crazy ideas

Taking a long road trip can be one of the most fantastic things to look forward to. However, some individuals quickly get bored even when travelling just a few kilometres. Why is that? They don't get engaged in fun activities. The routine you're used to is planning your trip, booking your bus ticket (if going via a commercial bus), carrying snacks, checking out/in on Facebook, etc. The process of planning is not complete without considering what you'll do while on the road.

5 Crazy Things You Can Do In A Road Trip

When preparing, it’s also essential to prioritize comfort, especially if you’ll be in a vehicle for extended periods. Packing essentials like snacks, entertainment, and even bed pads can make the journey significantly more comfortable. Check out this list of things you can do on a road trip:

Engage in Meaningful Conversations with Strangers

You can engage at least five strangers taking the same road trip as you, especially if there are stopovers. The beautiful thing about this is that it will keep you engaged throughout your journey. You'll learn new things from such conversations, and there is a huge possibility of getting help from these strangers. The tricky part? You don't have to wait for these strangers to approach you first. Just be funky and, at the same time, maintain your cool. As little as "Hi there" can spark a conversation. So take the first step and don't be shy. The spoiler alert here is that there might be a few rejections. But why should you be concerned? Just move on with a smile to that individual who will resonate at the same frequency as you. From your conversations, you can share jokes, get directions, learn new things, and ultimately stay entertained throughout your trip.

Listen to a Podcast

That same podcast you love listening to while going to work or keeping to your exercise routine can save the day on long trips. You can listen to more entertaining or inspiring podcasts. The goal is to have something that filters through your ears and keeps your mind busy. With your mind busy, you wouldn't even feel the burden of being on a long trip.

crazy ideas road trip

Podcasts are made to achieve a clear goal, so make sure it is something that interests you and that you will benefit from. Plug your ears and get yourself into the world of whatever you choose to listen to. And if you're commuting with your kids in your car, you could leverage any of the hundreds of educational podcasts. After all, learning can be done anywhere.

Leverage Audiobooks

Taking a long trip can be tiring, and one of the best ways to invest that time is to listen to audiobooks. Have you ever tried an audiobook? If you haven't, you should know that it's one of the best ways to read a book without holding it. If you're taking the trip with your family, then carefully select audiobooks for everyone in the family. There are bedtime stories that your kids never finish because they doze off within minutes. Your next long trip is the best time for them to get the complete picture of the story through the audiobook.

Connect and Reconnect

When on a long trip with a friend, loved one, or acquaintance, staring at your phone could be tedious and tiring. Long trips can be an excellent time to connect and reconnect with your partner or friend. Ask questions, revisit issues, be open and engage in an interesting discourse. This goal is to get your hearts to reconnect if there have been issues before the trip. This could also foster more excellent relational skills through fruitful conversations.

crazy ideas for road trips

You can ask thought-provoking questions to get an insight into the other person's mind. Overall, just enjoy connecting with the person. If you're moving abroad for a while, road trips can be an amazing way to connect before that. If you're stressing out about moving abroad, the best national moving companies can help you.

+ Bonus tip

Here's a bonus tip. It is not one of the most popular things to do, but it works. Meditation is perhaps something many people never consider doing when on a long trip. It is a beautiful thing to do, and in this case, there's enough time and little to no distraction. The goal here is to keep the body completely relaxed and the mind settled. If you're on a long trip with your kids, this is a good time to keep them calm by making them do other activities that focus their minds. There are a couple of mindfulness activities for kids that you can leverage. The entire goal of this is to generate total well-being through a brief or long period of escape through meditation.


Long road trips can be pretty stressful and disturbing, especially when boredom sets in. We have found the way out and presented it to you as these crazy things to do on your next road trip. You may choose to have a mix of them all or pick out your favourite. When going on a long road trip, while you pack your clothes, bed pads, and other utilities, don't forget your vape pen.

What about you, what kinds of crazy things have you done on road trips? Feel free to share any tips & advice below!

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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