Top Tips for Preparing for a Walking Holiday

reasons to go on a walking holiday how to prepare

For a certain kind of holidaymaker, there are few more rewarding uses of downtime than a long hike through some suitably splendid scenery. You’ll find this kind of holiday just about everywhere in the world, from Morocco to Mauritius. But there are also some truly incredible routes available right here in the UK, making this an affordable pastime, as well as an invigorating one.

Top Tips for Preparing for a Walking Holiday

If you’ve got a walking holiday planned, it’s a good idea to put in a little preparation before you set one foot in front of the other. Let’s take a look at what that preparation might consist of.

#1. Planning Routes!

While there’s room for a bit of spontaneity in most walking holidays, you’ll want to have at least a rough idea of where you’re going. Pick routes that match your level of fitness, and the sights you’d like to see. Sometimes plotting a start, middle and end point on your map can lead you to some off-the-beaten-path spots, so just make sure to check the incline levels before heading out on your walk.

#2. Invest in high-quality walking gear!

The gear you wear will help to improve your quality of life while you’re on the trail, as well as preventing injury. The right shirt, for example, might make the difference between a gruelling, sweaty ascent and a breezy, fulfilling one. Clothes made of polyester are more likely to make you sweat horribly than, say, linen or cotton.

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Two items stand out as critical for any serious walker: your boots. Look for a comfortable pair of walking boots that are tailored to your priorities, and that fit you comfortably. Don’t forget to try them on while wearing the right socks.

#3. Prepare your body!

If you’re going to be hiking for miles and miles for days on end, then you’ll need the requisite level of fitness. Ideally, you want to be pushing yourself – but not to the point of exhaustion. Go for regular weekend hikes, and try out a range of different terrains. Combine these with regular daily walks. You might even consider loading yourself with weighted vests and packs – that way, when it’s time for the holiday itself, you’ll feel quite a bit lighter.

#4. Pack Wisely!

What you keep in your backpack will vary depending on how far into the wilderness you’re venturing. Serious mountaineers will want to pack head torches, spare clothes, and ice picks. Weekend hikers might pack considerably lighter.

best walking holidays

No matter what type of hiker you are though, be sure to pack your safety gear. Additionally, packing breathable layers that you can add or remove will help to make you feel comfortable during your walks.

#5. Don’t forget snacks and water!

At the very least, you should be taking rations and a bottle of water. Look for high-fibre snacks that release energy slowly. There are plenty of options to choose from. Just be sure to clean up after yourself as you go – even if the litter you leave behind is biodegradable, it will still spoil the landscape you’re travelling through.

What about you, have you ever been on a walking holiday? Feel free to share any tips & advice below!

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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