Cambodia Tweaks: Entry Rules and Requirements

cambodia entry requirements

Great news for those who are planning a trip to Cambodia on a K visa. On the 29th of June, 2020, the government has cancelled the mandatory deposit for COVID testing and medical attention for those travelling on a type K visa. Cambodia is registering no new coronavirus cases in the country and so far, there have been no victims among those who were infected in the past months. The deposit was intended from the beginning as a temporary restriction to be added to the regular Cambodia visa requirements in order to protect the local population from the spread of the disease and ensure that all foreign passengers from abroad get tested. It remains in place for all other foreign citizens.

Who Needs to Pay the Deposit to Enter Cambodia?

The $3,000 entry requirement is asked upon arrival to foreign nationals who reach Cambodia. This will be used to cover:

  • Mandatory COVID testing ($165)
  • Quarantine in case one or more passengers on the same flight test positive
  • Quarantine and treatment in case the foreign national tests positive

The measure was introduced on the 10th of June 2020. However, the deposit has then been waived for holders of a Cambodian K visa. The K visa is a lifetime permit issued to foreign nationals of Cambodian descent.

How to Enter Cambodia

Cambodia is an increasingly more popular destination for globe trotters. It is no wonder: the country is covered in lush jungle, locals are extremely welcoming and art lovers can find some of the world’s most stunning archaeological sites, such as the impressive Angkor Wat temple complex. Normally, it is very easy to get the necessary documents to enter Cambodia for a short trip since the government encourages international tourism. However, the priority now is to participate in the fight against COVID-19 and protecting Cambodian and foreign citizens on the national territory from contagion. Like many countries around the world, Cambodia has had to implement some temporary measures such as travel restrictions and health certificate requirements. Here are the anti-COVID temporary measures currently in place for Cambodia that affect international travel:

  • Suspension of electronic visas and visas on arrival: foreign nationals now have to obtain a traditional visa from a Cambodian embassy (tourist visas may be significantly delayed to favour diplomatic, official, and business visas.)
  • Mandatory health certificate: visitors must present a negative COVID test not older than 72 hours.
  • Mandatory health insurance: foreigners must submit proof of insurance coverage for at least $50,000.
  • Mandatory test on arrival: passengers are required to get tested upon arrival and wait for the lab results in official facilities. If one or more passengers on a flights test positive, all passengers must undergo quarantine in a location designated by the local authorities.
  • Mandatory quarantine: if all passengers test negative, they still need to spend a 14-day period in isolation at their home or lodging of choice. This includes diplomats and officials.
  • Transit suspension: at the moment, it is not possible to enter or depart Cambodia through land borders as the Cambodia-Laos, Cambodia-Thailand and Cambodia-Vietnam land borders are closed.

All these rules are temporary and will be lifted once the global pandemic is under control. Travellers are encouraged to keep checking for new changes as this is an ongoing situation.

Author Bio: Susan Noel is an experienced content writer. she is associated with many renowned travel blogs as a guest author where she shares her valuable travel tips with the audience.

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